Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Freebsd on SonyPlayStation 4

This is a wonder time of the year, Freebsd is now 20 years old created by David Greenman, Jordan Hubbard, and Rod Grimes, which started out as freebsd4.3  later to be named freebsd. and I'm finding out that the new SonyPlayStation 4 will be running a modified version of Freebsd 9.0, Sony calls it Orbis OS. This is very good news for hackers and developers looking to do some interesting things with this version of the OS. The PlayStation 4 will offer either console or gui access when booting up the console. Hmmmmm i wonder if i can install python on it lol :). Well this is some cool stuff i will definitely keep everyone posted as time goes on.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Freebsd on the Rasberry Pi

As of late i've been doing alot of work with freebsd from converting all of my centos servers over to freebsd. Now its time to get freebsd running on the rasberry pi.  Installing FreeBsd on the rasberry pi was pretty simple. I took the following steps in order to get freebsd installed on the pi.

Step 1 ->  get an image i used the following image FreeBSD-HEAD-r249996-ARMv6-RPI-B-WIFI-3GB.img.tgz. Open a web browser and go to the folllowing url http://files.khubla.com/freebsd-raspberry-pi/FreeBSD-HEAD-r249996-ARMv6-RPI-B-WIFI-3GB.img.tgz, or if your a command line buff like my self lol :) you can run the following command

Step2 -> Extract the downloaded image

Step3 -> Umount the SD card

Step4 -> Copy the image to the SD  card using the dd utility (Unix/linux/Mac)  as for windows im not sure what utility to use , but google.com can take care of this issue for you :).

Step5-> Unmount the SD card Again

Once the above steps have been completed, boot up the rasberry pi and bingo you will see the following screen. NOTE: username:pi   password:raspberry  once logged in you can su to root

Cracking Kerberos Service Tickets (TGS) Using Kerberoasting

As of late I've been spending a lot of time researching and learning different techniques when it comes to attacking Active Directory En...