Friday, June 11, 2010

Upgrading Perl on freebsd

Well its Friday and im back online doing some fun stuff ;). with perl. However before i can get to the fun stuff i have to upgrade from perl 5.8 to 5.10 on my freebsd box. So lets get to it. Let me start out by saying that for this upgrade im using the portupgrade command which can be downloaded through the freebsd ports tree. There is also another command called portmaster which im not familar with just yet. so here we go.

1. Run the pkgdb -Ff command. This command fixes any dependencies within the ports tree database.

2. Run env DISABLE_CONFLICTS=1 portupgrade -o lang/perl5.10 -f perl-5.8.\*. This will reinstall perl with the new version 5.10 in this case

3. Reinstall everything that depends on perl by running the following command: portupgrade -fr perl. NOTE: This will take a while to finish depending on the spec of your machine.

4. Enjoy your new version of perl.

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