Thursday, December 10, 2009

Adding users from the command line in Snow Leopard

This is just a quick tutorial on how to add users from the command line in snow leopard. This command will also work in previous versions of os x. The following commands need to be run as root or with the sudo command.

Creating a new user

dscl / -create /Users/bsdjedi

Create a new user and set the default shell for that user

dscl / -create /Users/bsdjedi UserShell /bin/ksh

Creating a new user and setting the uid as well

dscl / -create /Users/bsdjedi UniqueID 800

Setting the password when creating a user

dscl / -create /Users/bsdjedi PASSWORD

or you can use the tradition unix way and run the following:

passwd bsdjedi

If you would like to give a user admin right run the following command

dscl / -append /Groups/admin GroupMembership bsdjedi

This concludes my tutorial on add users in snow leopard ( os x ) from the command line if need more information just do a man dscl. :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

back to the basics

Its a tuesday im sitting here im front of my macbook looking at some korn shell scripts that ive written over time. thanks to my co workers ;) the korn shell has replaced bash as my shell of choice. Anway just finished installing solaris 10 10/09 on a vmware machine. Ok all finished well im off to watch my movie. live free or die hard. I will keep this blog site updated with some of my scripts in python, korn shell, and some perl ;P and tips and tutorials on the following platforms solaris, linux, freebsd and openbsd.

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